Study Week!

5 04 2008

Hey guys! Study week is here! So we better get our lazy butt up and STUDY!

Anyway we should really focus ourself and not telling what’s waiting for us by the end of study week.. our FINAL EXAMS! Arrrrrrrrrrrrr! Shit i haven’t study finish yet! Guys.. we should put aside D.O.T.A la.. and many other stuff that distract us like..

Instead of listening to music..

Going for a swim..

Chilling around in our sarced rooms..

Chillin around..

Feeling grumpy all the time because of something else… 


Or even hanging out with friends often.. 

Chillin with friends..

 We should really be concentrating in our studies!! Hahahaha. 😛

Final Exams is important and we really need to buck up on our CGPA, i mean… i need to buck up on my CGPA! Arrghh! 😛 Haha. Ok pals! Time to get down to business! Take a deep breath and… LETS DO IT! Yea! (^_^)”